
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learn arabic

Learning arabic is NOT as difficult as I previously thought. But it need a lot of istiqamah and effort. The hodayah is from Allah. And the reward is from Allah alone.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Learning Arabic

We are attending Arabic class for the last 3 months. The book we used is Madinah Book 1, by Dr. V. Abdur Rahim. The book is used at University of Madinah to teach Arabic.

To goal is to learn enough Arabic to understand Quran and others related Arabic materials.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A new semester begin

A new semester, a new batch of students.

As always, fresh students tend to look at University life through tinted glasses. All rosy, however, the outside world is changing as faster than before. What they learn in the next 3 years probably become obsolete before they enter the workplace.

However, the foundation remains; computer science, programming, database and critical thinking.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

1/2 year gone

1/2 has gone. I need to keep in stock what I have done. Review is the process of seeing what has been done, and how to improve for the future.

Many concept in Islam has a profound effects;

  1. istiqamah - buat sedikit tapi berkekalan
  2. jangan tinggal semua kalau tak dapat buat, buat apa yang mampu
  3. always look for changes, improve yourself

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My goals fro 2010

focus more on the things that bring results;
  1. journal writing
  2. softwares development
  3. research projects
  4. conference attendance


FTSM mendapat bangunan baru. Sekarang timbul isu nak migrate ke blok baru atau tidak.

Seperti biasa, migration, or in bigger picture, changes require courages and trepidations. By migration, you are moving to a new place that would be your workplace for the next 10-15 years, and that would effect your productivity.

Staying the status quo also has benefits: familiar surrounding, no packing, etc.

migration offer a new place, fresh perspective, new challenges, etc.

what would you do?